From the legendary Leiji Matsumoto, along with Jerome Alquie, comes an epic new story! Set within the timeline of the original series, this brand-new Captain Harlock adventure marks the beginning of a new story arc. Planet Earth is threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite being banished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to save ... |
SKU: |
C131128 |
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From the legendary Leiji Matsumoto, along with Jerome Alquie, comes an epic new story! Set within the timeline of the original series, this brand-new Captain Harlock adventure marks the beginning of a new story arc. Planet Earth is threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite being banished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to save ... |
SKU: |
C131127 |
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From the legendary Leiji Matsumoto, along with Jerome Alquie, comes an epic new story! Set within the timeline of the original series, this brand-new Captain Harlock adventure marks the beginning of a new story arc. Planet Earth is threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite being banished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to save ... |
SKU: |
C131126 |
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From the legendary Leiji Matsumoto, along with Jerome Alquie, comes an epic new story! Set within the timeline of the original series, this brand-new Captain Harlock adventure marks the beginning of a new story arc. Planet Earth is threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite being banished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to save ... |
SKU: |
C131125 |
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From the legendary Leiji Matsumoto, along with Jerome Alquie, comes an epic new story! Set within the timeline of the original series, this brand-new Captain Harlock adventure marks the beginning of a new story arc. Planet Earth is threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite being banished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to ... |
SKU: |
C131124 |
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What turned young Erica into the monster hunter she is today? Discover Erica Slaughter's true origin as she is further initiated into the House of Slaughter. But will she be sorted into the prestigious White Room, or the dreaded Black Room with her new nemesis Aaron? FINAL COVER MAY VARY. *LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER! |
SKU: |
C131122 |
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What turned young Erica into the monster hunter she is today? Discover Erica Slaughter's true origin as she is further initiated into the House of Slaughter. But will she be sorted into the prestigious White Room, or the dreaded Black Room with her new nemesis Aaron? FINAL COVER MAY VARY. |
SKU: |
C131121 |
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What turned young Erica into the monster hunter she is today? Discover Erica Slaughter's true origin as she is further initiated into the House of Slaughter. But will she be sorted into the prestigious White Room, or the dreaded Black Room with her new nemesis Aaron? FINAL COVER MAY VARY. |
SKU: |
C131120 |
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Spinning out of IDENTITY CRISIS! Recovering from their trip through time, the Teen Titans are asked to track down one loose end from IDENTITY CRISIS: the armor of Lex Luthor. But there are others after it too, including Warp and the Electrocutioner! |
SKU: |
C131118 |
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STARK: RESILIENT PART 1 An all-new era of Iron Man starts here as Shellhead dons an all-new armor! |
SKU: |
C131117 |
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