Richard Johnston
MILLAR: I think Epic's a great thing in this regard. We're
selling not only a dream job for many people but also a dream
lifestyle. You can make an awful lot of money doing something
you love. That's a big part of why we all wanted to be in
bands growing up and it applies just as much to comics.
QUESADA: Marvel was just asked to host a party at the
US Senate on June 19, It's a Hulk theme. I'll try to get W
to sign my copy of the Ultimates and perhaps drop issues of
Captain America over Iraq. If that doesn't work I'll push
for the National Comics Day ;-)
BARRUCCI: Cool - is Marvel doing it? What can we do to
help push this event?
QUESADA: Well, for starters it would help if you were
nowhere near it.
BARRUCCI: You entertain the Senate, and I'll take care
of the President.
One step
at a time baby!
QUESADA: You're thinking Clinton is still in office. I
hear Bush don't go for that sh*t. But there was something
that was starting to worry me, from an earlier part of the
JOHNSTON: Saying "Comics Are Cool" ensures that they won't
be. However that doesn't mean you can't do advertising that
makes things cool. You just have to say it in a different
sparse, clever and obscure is one way.
unusually unexpected celebrities well is another.
And if
anyone wants to fund radio advertising, I work as a senior
writer for Radioville, the UK's no.1 radio advertising agency,
and I've got loads of ideas.
BARRUCCI: We're looking for ideas. You're a peer. Please
feel free to throw them out at us.
I'm working
on some celebrity endorsement, but the one thing is, we don't
pay them, because they have to like what they're promoting.
It's better that way.
QUESADA: Saying "Comics Are Cool" ensures that they won't
be. This is the smartest thing said in this whole thread and
I'm ashamed to admit that Rich said it. You label something
and you can be sure that people will never perceive you as
BARRUCCI: See, now we're getting there! So what do we
change it to? Come on - anyone? Got Milk?
MILLAR: Never underestimate how much free press you can
get. I had The Authority's gay kiss on Israeli TV with just
a careful article in the Sunday Times. Likewise Red Son and
it never cost a penny. Newspapers and TV have endless space
they need to fill every day so by giving them the hook we
can get ads worth hundreds of thousands on the news instead
of in the breaks.
TV and
newspaper people LOVE comics. They're media guys. They grew
up on this sh*t. We could get as much free press as we want.
BARRUCCI: And Mark - we will! And we'll start planning
it better as well!
QUESADA: Just call it "The Revolution!"
BARRUCCI: That might work. Here's another thought - "Comics
are for Everyone!"
Or will
that not work since all comics are not?
hadn't said anything for a while, because I'd been typing.]
JOHNSTON: Reading Comics Is Hazardous For Your Health
Ban Comics Comics Rot The Brain Comics Are Rotting The Brains
Of Our Youth This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain On Comics.
Comics Are For People Who Can't Read Reading Comics Are A
Sign of Deviancy Comics Are For People Who Never Grew Up Comics
Are For People Who Can't Get Laid Comics Are For Kids Comics
Are for People With No Imagination No One I Know Still Reads
Comics Throw Away All Your Comics Girls Don't Like Comics
with images suggesting the opposite, or twisting it. Someone
call an art director.
A start.
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