Richard Johnston MARK
MILLAR: Black Wed wasn't caused by a state-controlled
Bank of England. The Bank ALWAYS told the government where
to peg the pound and what interests rates should be. He just
wanted to avoid the sterling crisis that's greeted every labour
govt of the 20th century by showing that they were as fiscally
prudent as the Conservatives. What he did was take our economy
away from elected reps and hand it over to unelected bankers
(paving the way for a nightmare superstate), but that's another
just been prudent like MacMillan or any other previous Chancellor
(with the poss exception of Lawson), but we're a cork on high
seas. The UK economy is entirely dependant on the world economy
and, for every boom there must be a bust. It's just the way
it works to stop things getting too out of control or else
we end up with hyper-inflation and so on. It's also the way
banks work and, like every other business, comics. Accept
the boom and bust. It's the way it is and Brown's economic
naivety is that he thinks he can control all the random forces
that exists outside his red box. Four planes have made a serious
dent in the insurance industry in New York. Multiply this
by ten (not unfeasible) and you could f#@! things up quite
royally. Likewise, when Bush goes for Syria or North Korea.
of celeb comic fans, wouldn't it be great if we outed all
the movie and TV stars who dig this stuff. Stick a pair of
400 dollar sunglasses on Keanu and everyone wants a pair.
Why don't we let people know that Keanu, Winona, Sam Jackson,
Tarantino, etc, etc, etc, are major comic fans? I think this
should be the brunt of our ad push. I'm pals with documentary
film-makers over here and they've wanted to do something about
comics. Wouldn't this be a great angle and loads of free publicity??
as always, was still after some free publicity for himself.]
BARRUCCI: With all due respect, if you guys can help send
this out to as many sites as possible, it will carry a lot
more weight then just me. As an industry, we need this to
work. Please send this too as many sites as possible. I'm
not trying to be pushy, but I am asking for your help to spread
the word!
then to Joe Quesada's concerns.]
BARRUCCI: Joe - you're right, the industry is full of
self-loathing, resentful retailers that are pissed that they're
not making tons of money (at least the ones that are left
that started from 1990 to 1993). The rest of the self-loathers
are just that.
The personal
attacks on anyone in this industry are totally uncalled for.
look at the bigger picture. You'll see in part 2. In the distributorship
situation, only Marvel or DC can change that. But we can get
retailers to band together and have constructive meetings
with the publishers every quarter. That's the topic of part
2 hitting this afternoon.
get there guys!
QUESADA: Yeah, you're right Nick, we'll just do that later
behind close doors. I calls them as I sees them. You want
the self-loathers to walk around with impunity then don't
point them out.
BARRUCCI: No - that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying
that calling out anyone in this forum is just being kindergarten
bullsh*t, and that's not what this is trying to be (at least
not by me). So, I'd rather have the constructive criticism
or support of my peers. Nothing else.
QUESADA: What the hell are you talking about?
from the guy who decided to tell everyone what was wrong with
their Free Comic Book Day attempts? I see, with you it's constructive
criticism but with me I'm calling people out.
For those
unfamiliar with the way Nicky and I barb, we don't actually
hate each other. I do spend an inordinate amount of time in
my life busting his balls, however.
1 | 2
| 3 | 4
| 5 | 6
| 7 | 8
| 9 Continued
Here... |