Welcome again
to Waiting For Tommy. I'm Rich Johnston,
your ever-loving rumour
monger taking a short break to share with you thoughts,
meanderings and art cut and pasted from all over the place.
Fans of Waiting For Tommy (all three of you)
have noticed our love of great comic book pro photos. Well
here's a few of my favourites. If you've got any more, why
not tell me about them in the message
up, as promised, a picture of Jack Kirby
gyrating with a belly dancer. He truly was the King!!
told that everyone was most amused by this spectacle - aside
from Roz Kirby who, understandably,
was a little abrupt. And notice that dollar in her strap.
Hollingsworth, know best for being the colourist on Preacher.
.with his best buddy,
Grant Morrison. Was Grant a
virgin? No, he just hadn't taken his trousers off.
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