Source: Twitter | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a CommentThere have been reports that a flashback scene had been considered and then passed on in the
Star Wars: The Skeleton Crew series that would’ve given us a bit more about the background of Jod Na Nawood (
Jude Law) and the Jedi that found him. The reason the scene was cut had to do with the series being told from the kids’ point of view and a flashback wouldn’t make sense. But we may know at least what the Jedi who found Jod would’ve looked like. Actress Yasmine al Massri has posted on social media photos of herself dressed as a Jedi with the following story: “This was the shortest acting job I have done but the most meaningful to the child in me.. playing a Jedi for one scene in Skeleton Crew.. i gave a speech when i crew wrapped me on set saying : you just created the first Arab female Jedi.. thank you.. the scene unfortunately Didn’t make it to the finale cut bc these things happen.. but I can not not share my experience and feelings.. even Liam rehearsed that scene with me and I got to brag about it with his friends which got me coolest mom respect for a moment <!--[if mso & !supportInlineShapes & supportFields]><span style='mso-element:field-begin;mso-field-lock:yes'></span><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>SHAPE <span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>\* MERGEFORMAT <span style='mso-element:field-separator'></span><![endif]--><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:rect id="Rectangle_x0020_1" o:spid="_x0000_s1026" alt="😂" 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#skeletoncrew #jedi for
#one #scene #day #gratitude for
#life.” This has not been verified by anyone at Disney, but it’s a good story.
Source: YouTube | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a CommentFormer Marvel Producer
Nate Moore spoke about the planned
Armor Wars movie, and while it’s not a project he’s working on now, he did have this to say, “As Marvel continues to go through this phase, we want to make sure whatever we’re making is awesome. This means we had to slow down some things that were on the front burner. It doesn’t mean we’ll never make it, but it does mean we have to be a little bit more considered so that every time out audiences are guaranteed quality.” He was then asked by
Collider about
Denzel Washington saying
Ryan Coogler was writing a role for him in
Black Panther 3 and if they had figured out what that role was going to be: “We haven’t, and that’s what’s so funny about his comments. He actually called Ryan to apologize because we should be so lucky but that’s super early days. Ryan is finishing his film
Sinners, which is going to be amazing, so we haven’t really started cracking story. I know there is a lot of speculation and casting rumors on-line, but none of it’s true. Which is fine because that speaks to people’s passion for the property, which is great. If and when we can figure out how to get Denzel into the MCU, that’s going to be an amazing day. And I couldn’t be more excited for what Panther 3 could be.” It was announced a few months back that Moore was leaving Marvel Studios but would still be involved as a producer on some projects, like
Black Panther 3 while also pursuing some non-MCU producing projects.
Source: Deadline | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a CommentFour years ago, Hulu made a deal to adapt its first ever fantasy project based on the popular book series
A Court of Thorns and Roses by
Sarah J. Maas. The books are a loose retelling of the
Beauty and the Beast story with elements of romance, adventure and political intrigue. The adaptation was in the hands of
Ron Moore who had an overall deal with 20th Television and was set up with Hulu with a script commitment plus significant penalty. All of this looked good for this project to happen. Except it’s not as Moore’s deal is done and has moved back to Sony Pictures Television and while it was believed that the IP would continue with a different writer, the word now is that Hulu and 20th Television will not be proceeding forward with the project.
Source: Deadline | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a CommentCaptain America: Brave New World opened this weekend and easily won Valentine’s Day with a $40 million Friday and is now eyeing between $90 to $105 million for the four-day holiday weekend. And while Marvel and Disney should be happy with those numbers, a 51% critics-score and a B- Cinemascore makes the longevity of the film questionable. The reaction can’t really be called mix as there is a general consensus that the film is good but not great, that the script tells more than shows and that the marketing gave away more than it should. The acting of
Anthony Mackie,
Harrison Ford,
Danny Ramirez and
Carl Lumbly are being praised and the reaction to the visual effects range from great to horrible. The film takes on a lot, not only a soft reboot of the
Captain America franchise, but it’s also a spiritual sequel to
the Incredible Hulk, a follow up for
Falcon and the Winter Soldier and answers one of the biggest plot threads from
Eternals. This, plus the introduction of the Red Hulk, might be what is driving audiences into the theaters, and most are coming out with a higher opinion of the film than the critics. The audience-score currently sits at 78%, which is on par with
Deadpool & Wolverine and a few points behind
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 and is the first Phase 5 film to have a higher audience-score than critics-score.
Source: Dynamite | Categories: Army Of Darkess | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a CommentDynamite Entertainment and Humble Bundle are inviting comics fans on the ultimate Valentine's Day date, with an incredible new digital deal on
Army of Darkness comics!
With over 20 years of fan-favorite comics represented, with classic runs, epic crossovers, and top tier creators involved, this is a can't-miss sale. Click the link below and lock yours in now!
To get the entire bundle, fans can pay just $18, but other tiered options are also available for those wanting to customize their digital haul based on their desires and budget. For that unbeatable price, readers get 22 terrifying tomes of classic comics. These span across over 20 years of Dynamite's history, with the publishers first ever comic being from the franchise! In total 115 issues are included, amounting to nearly 3,200 pages of thrilling stories and artwork. Normally the digital cost for all these books would be nearly $300. That's over 93% off!
The bundle is stuffed with classics from the AOD mythos. Off the bat, fans can jump into the masterpiece film adaptation originally published in the early 1990s with gorgeous painted artwork by John Bolton. Then the long epic original Dynamite run of Ash's adventures kicks off across a dozen volumes, with writing by Jim Kuhoric, Mike Raicht, Andry Hartnell, and Elliott Serrano. Some incredible artists made their industry breakouts in this series like Nick Bradshaw and Sanford Greene. Then check out the reboot timeline driven by Steve Niles and Cullen Bunn. Last but certainly not least, this bundle includes some of the latest hit titles like Rodney Barnes'
1979, the long awaited Reanimator reunion, and the fan-favorite
Forever series by Tony Fleecs that serves as a sequel to the film's originally intended director's cut ending.
Portions of proceeds from sales of the bundle will go to the charity partner of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. This essential nonprofit organization pitches in to fight for the rights of cartoonists and comics creators, especially in the face of censorship.
• Army of Darkness Movie Adaptation
• Army of Darkness: Ashes 2 Ashes
• Army of Darkness: Shop Til You Drop
• Army of Darkness vs. Reanimator
• Army of Darkness: Old School
• Army of Darkness: Ash vs. The Monsters
• Army of Darkness: From the Ashes
• Army of Darkness: The Long Road Home
• Army of Darkness: Home Sweet Hell
• Army of Darkness: Hellbillies and Deadnecks
• Army of Darkness: League of Light Assemble!
• Army of Darkness: Hail to the Queen, Baby
• Army of Darkness: The King is Dead, Long Live the Queen
• Army of Darkness: Furious Road
• Ash and the Army of Darkness
• Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched
• Army of Darkness: Ash in Space
• Ash vs. the Army of Darkness
• Death to the Army of Darkness
• Army of Darkness: 1979
• Army of Darkness vs. Reanimator: Necronomicon Rising
• Army of Darkness Forever Vol 1

Don't miss these limited deals!
Army of Darkness Sale Spectacular! HERE'S WHY 'WEDNESDAY' SEASON 2'S RELEASE IS TAKING SO LONG02/14/25 @ 2:17 pm EST
Source: The Direct | Categories: MIsc | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a Comment
Wednesday is one of Netflix's most-watched series of all time, but the wait for Season 2 has been long.
The young adult series stars Jenna Ortega as Wednesday, the daughter of the iconic Addams family. After being expelled from her school Wednesday is enrolled at Nevermore Academy and begins unraveling all manner of supernatural mysteries within its halls.
The first season of
Wednesday was released in November 2022, marking a more than two-year wait between seasons.
The most significant delay for the series was due to the 2023 Writer's Guild strike in Hollywood, which paused development on many major TV series.
The writers' strike lasted from May to September 2023, meaning writing on
Wednesday was delayed for at least four months. While the series was said to be a priority for Netflix (along with the long-delayed
Stranger Things 5), filming did not begin on the series until May 2024. The series also moved locations between seasons, shifting filming from Romania to Ireland for Season 2.
Netflix has confirmed
Wednesday will be one of its 2025 releases. (via The Direct)
Source: Hollywood Reporter | Categories: Marvel | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a Comment
Captain America: Brave New World landed $12 million in Thursday previews at the domestic box office as Marvel Studios attempts to reboot the franchise with an entirely new cast — and deliver a solid swing for Marvel Studios.
That puts the year’s first tentpole to open to $90 million-plus over the four-day Valentine’s Day/Presidents Day weekend, one of the top showings ever for the holiday and in line with pre-release tracking. That’s the same weekend the first
Deadpool opened, as well as Marvel’s
Black Panther and
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, which debuted to $120 million over the three-day Presidents Day weekend in 2023 after earning $17.5 million in previews.
Directed by Julius Onah,
Brave New World stars the former Falcon Anthony Mackie as he takes up the mantle of Captain America. The film also stars Harrison Ford as newly elected U.S. President Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, who wants to bring Captain America aboard in an official military position. But before Wilson can make a decision, he uncovers a nefarious global plot that includes facing off with Ross when the president unexpectedly transforms into the Red Hulk. (via The Hollywood Reporter)
Source: Marvel | Categories: Dr. Doom | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a CommentDoom’s reign has finally begun!
ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM, Marvel’s latest comic book event, launched earlier this week, and astonished readers learned that being ruled by Victor von Doom is nothing short of magnificent! Impacting the status quo of the Marvel Universe for the foreseeable future, the triumphs and trials of Doom’s regime will be told in a nine-issue core series by acclaimed writer Ryan North and superstar artist R.B. Silva, while the iconic supervillain’s ascension reverberates across the line in numerous limited series and tie-in issues. Following a sold-out debut, a Second Printing of ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM #1 is on its way to comic shops next month. And today, loyal subjects can get an advance look at the second issue, which delivers a monumental confrontation between Doom and his archenemies—the Fantastic Four!
After rightfully seizing the title of Sorcerer Supreme in last summer’s
Blood Hunt, Doctor Doom is determined to use its legendary power to make the world a better place for all! In ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM #1, Doom successfully unites the planet under his leadership, and—to the shock of your favorite super heroes—Earth embraces its new Emperor! Guiding the world towards everlasting peace and safety, Doom’s dominion promises to achieve what his foes have so often failed to accomplish. Yet, as seen in a new preview of ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM #2, there are still those selfish enough to oppose him! In a brazen move they’ll live to regret, the Fantastic Four strike at Earth’s beloved new leader while he delivers a rousing speech at the United Nations. Plus, Doom confides his plans in the only person who commands his respect, Valeria Richards. Does she share her uncle’s glorious vision, or will she be blinded by jealousy like her foolish parents!?
“I signed for three hours at Crossover Comics in Montreal on Wednesday to celebrate the launch, and it was busy non-stop the whole time,” North shared. “I met a ton of great people—and, happily, had my first review there too, from a reader who read the issue while waiting in line for it to be signed! Thankfully, he really liked it. It's been fantastic to wake up in a snow-covered Montreal and see all the enthusiasm about the book. It's a story that's been in the works for years, so to finally have it out—and so well-received—is really gratifying.”
Check out the preview for ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM #2 and preorder the second printing and upcoming issues at your local comic shop today!

Source: Hollywood Reporter | Categories: MIsc | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a Comment
The live-action
How to Train Your Dragon has unveiled its full trailer, and the movie’s director is grateful for the chance to tell his story in a fresh way.
After debuting an excerpt during Super Bowl LIX, Universal Pictures released the full trailer ahead of the film hitting theaters June 13. The live-action feature is a remake of DreamWorks Animation‘s hit animated movie of the same name that was released in 2010.
Writer-director Dean DeBlois‘ new
How to Train Your Dragon stars Mason Thames as Hiccup and Nico Parker as Astrid. Rounding out the cast are Gerard Butler, Nick Frost and Julian Dennison. DeBlois, who has been involved with the franchise since its start, wrote and directed the new project that is based on the 2010 animated film he co-directed with Chris Sanders. (via The Hollywood Reporter)
Trailer: https://youtu.be/22w7z_lT6YM
Source: Deadline | Categories: Wheel of Time | Comments (0) | E-mail Article | Add a Comment
Prime Video has released the full-length trailer for season 3 of fantasy epic series
The Wheel of Time.The footage gives a peek into a changing world, where the powerful Aes Sedai, Moiraine Damodred (Rosamund Pike), is tormented by her visions of the future, and Rand al’Thor (Josha Stradowski) struggles to fulfill his destiny as the Dragon Reborn – will he choose the Light or let the Darkness consume him?
Season 3’s storylines are primarily based on the fan-favorite fourth book of Jordan’s series,
The Shadow Rising, which takes viewers to new regions and cities across the fictional continent of the Westlands, including the vast deserts of the Aiel Waste, the intoxicating and dangerous port city of Tanchico, and the forbidden and fog-shrouded ancient city of Rhuidean, where Rand and Moiraine will both experience life-changing revelations. Meanwhile on the other side of the world, in Rand’s small hometown of Two Rivers, his lifelong friend Perrin Aybara (Marcus Rutherford) will also embark on a personal journey, one which will change him forever.
The upcoming season premieres globally on the streamer on March 13. (via Deadline)
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Cineverse and its horror division Bloody Disgusting have acquired the North American rights to “Wolf Creek: Legacy,” the third installment in the Australian slasher franchise. Production begins later this year and the film is expected to hit theaters in the fall of 2026.
According to an official logline, “‘Wolf Creek: Legacy’ follows a family of American tourists who wander innocently into Mick Taylor’s hunting grounds. When the parents sacrifice themselves to save their children, the kids find themselves alone, lost and hunted in the vast Australian wilderness.”
John Jarratt returns as Mick Taylor, aka the Outback Killer. He will star alongside Jay Ryan and Laura Gordon. (via Variety)