Based on the Heroine created by Robert E. HowardRating: Teen+ Cover A: Joshua Middleton UPC: 72513034381902011 Cover B: Joseph Michael Linsner UPC: 72513034381902021 Cover C: Phillip Tan UPC: 72513034381902031 Cover D: Cosplay / Rachel Hollon UPC: 72513034381902041 Cover E: Joshua Middleton FOIL - $9.99 UPC: 72513034381902051 Writer: Steve Niles Artist: Alessandro Amoruso Genre: Sword & Sorcery Publication Date: May, 2024 Format: Comic Book Page Count: 32 On Sale Date: 5/8/2024 Armed with a bloodstained map and the tale of a Warlock's treasure, the She-Devil With a Sword sets out on her quest for a dead city forgotten to history. The way is long and arduous, and danger lurks around every corner - but so too do some brave souls who share Sonja's thirst for adventure. As the days turn into weeks, Sonja and her growing company move ever closer to their goal - but are her companions really who they appear to be? The first Red Sonja tale penned by 30 Days of Night's STEVE NILES takes flight in this spectacular second issue, featuring amazing interior art by ALESSANDRO AMORUSO and equally exciting covers from JOSHUA MIDDLETON, Joseph Michael Linsner, PHILLIP TAN, and cosplay by RACHEL HOLLON! |