Based on the Heroine created by Robert E. HowardRating: Teen+ Cover A: Dani UPC: 725130307248 01011 Cover B: Jonathan Broxton UPC: 725130307248 01021 Cover C: Stargoddess Cosplay UPC: 725130307248 01031 Writer: Amy Chu Artist: Eric Blake Genre: Action/Adventure Publication Date: June 2021 Format: Comic Book Page Count: 40 On Sale Date: 6/9/2021 A mysterious killer android from the future hunts the legendary mercenary from the past. A.I. meets magic in a story that takes us -- where else? -- Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and the City of Angels! Amy Chu returns to pen this gnarly one and done action-filled issue that will totally take you back to the Summer of 1982...It's an epic struggle between good and evil, mohawks and perms, New Wave and Heavy Metal! |