UPC: 725130346292 Scrooge embarks on a time-honored Marvel adventure as he explores the multiverse to stop a twisted alternate Scrooge from becoming the all-powerful and incomprehensibly rich Scrooge-Above-All! Along the way, the story will introduce exciting new takes on the iconic tycoon with a heart of gold and feature appearances by Scrooge's nephew, Donald Duck; grandnephews, Huey, Duey, and Louie; and ... |
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C134629 |
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$47.00 MSRP $49.99
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UPC: 725130346285 Scrooge embarks on a time-honored Marvel adventure as he explores the multiverse to stop a twisted alternate Scrooge from becoming the all-powerful and incomprehensibly rich Scrooge-Above-All! Along the way, the story will introduce exciting new takes on the iconic tycoon with a heart of gold and feature appearances by Scrooge's nephew, Donald Duck; grandnephews, Huey, Duey, and Louie; and ... |
SKU: |
C134628 |
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$88.88 MSRP $99.99
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