
A new super beings seeks out Batman: a creature born of hate who the broken Bat may not last long against! ***FINAL COVER ART MAY VARY!*** |
SKU: |
C122254 |
Price: |
Availability: |
November, 2014 |

The Joker's in town...and he wants to meet Superman! Find out what happens next in this one-of-a-kind story from Chronicle writer Max Landis and legendary artist Jock (GREEN ARROW: YEAR ONE)! Plus, don't miss Clark Kent's babysitting adventures as he looks after none other than Sugar and Spike! ***FINAL COVER IMAGE MAY VARY***! |
SKU: |
C122252 |
Price: |
Availability: |
In-Stock! |

A new super beings seeks out Batman: a creature born of hate who the broken Bat may not last long against! ***FINAL COVER ART MAY VARY! ***! |
SKU: |
C122234 |
Price: |
Availability: |
November, 2014 |

Only an Annual could contain this chapter of SUPERMAN: DOOMED It's an all-out assault by the heroes of Earth (superpowered and not) on the God of War, Wonder Woman, who's leading the charge against all manner of alien attackers. The monstrous Superman smashes through everything friend or foe as his de-evolution reaches a critical stage. It all leads to their best ... |
SKU: |
C122226 |
Price: |
Availability: |
September, 2014 |

Twelfth level intellect Lois Lane uses all her new Psi Power against the God of War, Diana, in the ultimate showdown! And Superman must go up against the new Cyborg Superman as an invading armada arrives in space! ***FINAL COVER ART MAY VARY! ***! |
SKU: |
C122130 |
Price: |
Availability: |
July, 2014 |

THE MAN OF TOMORROW chapter 1! A NEW ERA for SUPERMAN begins as Geoff Johns takes the reigns - and he's joined by the legendary super-talent of John Romita, Jr. in his first-ever work for DC Comics as they introduce Ulysses, the Man of Tomorrow, into the Man of Steel's life. This strange visitor shares many of Kal-El's experiences, including ... |
SKU: |
C122036 |
Price: |
Availability: |
July, 2014 |

The penultimate issue of ZERO YEAR is here! Batman gets one step closer to the endgame with The Riddler as the final chapter of ZERO YEAR: SAVAGE CITY draws closer to its stunning finale! ***FINAL COVER ART MAY VARY! ***! |
SKU: |
C122032 |
Price: |
Availability: |
In-Stock! |

A new arc begins following the events of FIRST CONTACT. The worlds of Batman and Superman come to an explosive clash as something terrible happens to the World's Finest team, and a Dark Knight who is not quite himself must team up with Lois Lane to find a missing Man of Steel. Meanwhile, Selina Kyle encounters a person of amazing strength ... |
SKU: |
C122025 |
Price: |
Availability: |
July, 2014 |

A new arc begins following the events of FIRST CONTACT. The worlds of Batman and Superman come to an explosive clash as something terrible happens to the World's Finest team, and a Dark Knight who is not quite himself must team up with Lois Lane to find a missing Man of Steel. Meanwhile, Selina Kyle encounters a person of amazing strength ... |
SKU: |
C122024 |
Price: |
Availability: |
July, 2014 |

The casualties are mounting as Wonder Woman's divine family tears itself apart - and Diana prepares to make everyone feel her power as the God of War! ***FINAL COVER ART MAY VARY! ***! |
SKU: |
C122009 |
Price: |
Availability: |
July, 2014 |