Rating: Teen+ Covers: Daniel Leister Writer: Randy Valiente Artist: Dietrich Smith Genre: Superhero, Adventure, Horror Awards: N/A Publication Date: Feb 2013 Format: Comic Book Page Count: 32 pages Rights: WW Age range: 16+ UPC: 725130186768 01111 ON SALE DATE: February 27 After the events of last issue, Ashley J. Williams and his mini-deadite sidekick Sam find themselves looking for a way back to the present. Unfortunately for them, dark forces are working to ensure that they remain lost in the time stream. How will Ash and Sam overcome the odds when faced by a resurrected King Montezuma who wants to feed them to the Old Ones? Forget what the Mayans said, It's the Aztec Apocalypse baby, and all that stands between us and it is a chainsaw, a boomstick and a chin! These are the all-new adventures of the hero from the cult-classic horror/adventure film! Don't be a primitive screwhead - order your copy today! |