Rating: All Ages Art: Joyce Chin Genre: Fantasy Art Publication Date: April 2019 UPC: 725130283146 MARKETING DESCRIPTION: On the way to C2E2, artist Joyce Chin suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage (stroke), exacerbated by a broken ankle from the resulting fall. Thankfully, Chicago's Presence Resurrection hospital was able to perform surgery and provide care. She reports that she has not experienced any noticeable loss of function, a great blessing for such a well-regarded artist! Unfortunately, she could use fans' help with the medical costs, and we at Dynamite have coordinated our own efforts to help raise these needed funds. Available signed and unsigned, this lithograph beautifully displays Joyce's first work on the Daughter of Drakulon, originally a variant cover for Vampirella (2001) #20. Beyond the clean, gorgeous central figure, the piece amazes with endless detail in Vampi's hair and the lush background. Such detail will be reproduced in high quality on an 11" by 17" lithograph print. Profits from these limited-edition lithographs will go towards Ms. Chin's fund-raising efforts, helping her with medical fees and time off from work. Funds raised in excess of Joyce's needs will go toward the Hero Initiative, the noted not-for-profit organization set up to assist comic creators with health, medical and quality-of-life assistance. |