Rating: Teen + Covers: Sean Chen Writer: Sterling Gates Artist: Steve Scott Genre: Sci-Fi Awards: N/A Publication Date: May 2012 Format: Comic Book Page Count: 32 pages Rights: WW Age range: 16+ UPC: 725130183972 00811 Following last issue's shocking and terrible losses to the Galactic Rangers, the crew of the Dreadnaught Tiger mourn the death of their captain. Ambassadors from all over the galaxy have come to Galactic Center to pay their respects to the fallen hero. Somewhere in the massive crowd, however, is an assassin bent on destroying the surviving members of Galactic Command! It's up to Mister Mind and Tarin to ferret out the killer, before they add another death to the already-growing list of lost Rangers! SEP118109 - KIRBY GENESIS CAPTAIN VICTORY #1 REORDER CVR - $3.99 SEP110994 - KIRBY GENESIS CAPTAIN VICTORY #2 - $3.99 NOV110870 - KIRBY GENESIS DRAGONSBANE #1 - $3.99 |